Friday, October 29, 2010

13th week : The Final Product !!!

 26th Oct 2010. The presentation of the final project starts with our group. This is our site and this is the Homepage where users are at first landed before they attempt to explore more.

Click the link to view the site :
We included picasa web slideshow to make the homepage more welcoming for children and some comic strips are integrated in the slides to give the ideas for the kids when the first landed at the page. Thus, images and comic strips assist a lot in explaining the ideas of global warming to children. I thought this is very effective and this works out best in teaching of science, especially something that relates a lot in concepts and current issues.

These are some of other pages from the site:


The second presentation of the day: THE SOLAR SYSTEM (year 6)

THE SOLAR SYSTEM : they are using a GOOGLE SITES too.
The team members (from left) : Halimah, Adhwa, Umar, Anuar.
Advantages of using wikis.
Some advantages of using GOOGLE SITES are:
1) it is free 
2) fast and easy to edit
3) no programming or database skills used
4) no software installation required
5) Completely integrated with Googleadds
6) many options to customise
7) it is easy to organise as compared to blog

The third presentation of the day: Animal extinction (Year 6)

From left: Faiz, Izzati, Mahalingam, Woo.

The advantages of using Blog.
A vodcast by Chris.
Prof alerts us on the difference of podcast and vodcast. Podcast consists of just audio, whereas vodcast consists of video (image) and audio. Thus, their video which has been uploaded to YouTube is actually a vodcast. Good attempt for all the group members !!!

Last, but not least : THE PHASES OF MOON (year 6)

This group uses a blog to explain on the phases of moon. Their blog is interesting, just that they took some materials with some other language. Perhaps, they can contextualise the video to meet with the Malaysian students who learn Science in English. Thus, both groups which did on the solar system manipulated the animation and videos to explain something abstract and far to reach, our universe. Thus, it makes their attempt of integrating technology works well.

Group members (from left): Fatin, Syafiq, Dominic (back), Nazwan, Amirul
Their Storyboard.

My opinions on the use of GOOGLE SITES as a platform to enhance teaching and learning of science: 

1) Integrating technology in teaching and learning will certainly enhance the students' excitement and enhance their participation. 

2) This particular platform is actually provides ideas for teachers to improve their teaching on certain concepts that can be hardly explain using verbal explanation. For example, it is not that easy to make students visualise the planets orbiting in our solar system. Thus, animation and videos really assist science teachers to show to students about the phenomena takes place. 

3) But, still technology has its limitation. It needs an internet connection and thus using an online tool, perhaps remains a dream for teachers who are posted to places where there is no internet connection. Thus, to play safe, I would choose to occupy videos saved in cds and tapes. Even though, these sound a little bit outdated, but it will come in handy anytime at anywhere. 

4) It is good to say that technology is an aid. BUT, science as usual needs hands on activities to improve lots of scientific skills. So, it is good to integrate technology, but teachers should never overuse or be too dependent on it as science demands students to master the scientific skills which requires them to be involved in hands on activities. Thus, still we must have the activities in normal science lab to teach students about the basic concepts, such as measuring and handling apparatus as science is all about practicality and applications.

 Before and after the introduction to ADDIE model. What have I learnt?

Before this, I thought designing and producing a material is just an attempt of varying our materials for teaching Science. I don't even think that producing a material needs a great planning and consideration. Thus, there is so much elements that contradict with the objectives of the lesson. And there is also no limitation and the exact focus.

ADDIE model has provided me an idea how to plan a good lesson. 

A good lesson must start with a good instructional planning. The earliest phase of the ADDIE model requires us to analyse and come out with a concept map. This shows that an analysis task phase assist the teachers to analyse the content ideas, limitation and the focus of the materials.

The second phase of ADDIE model: the Design Phase is the phase where we design and visualise how the material will be represented. 

The third phase of ADDIE model is the Development phase where the materials are developed and produced as a solid product. 

These phases that I went through made me realise that a good planning will increase the quality of the instructional materials produced by the end of the day. Quality, here means:

(a) how the materials appeal and work effectively for the target learners. 

(b) the content of the materials is appropriate for the target audience. 

(c) the materials s represented in a manner that enhance the motivation of the target audience. For example, the visuals inside the materials look appealing and interesting to capture the attention of the primary school students.

(d) the materials cover the learning objectives and the aimed goals. 

(e) the materials are designed to assist learning, not just spoon feeding. There must be an integration of effective activities to stimulate students' curiosity and enhance learning at the same time. 

On the whole, this is a fruitful knowledge and I will now know how to produce a quality product as a future teacher.

And the lecture for the semester ends...We are to attend for our exam set on 22nd of November. Thank you very much, Prof. I should say this...You impressed us a lot in the way you taught us. Thank you for the knowledge and values integrated in the lecture, we'll remember all and make use of it in our future career. Thank you, Prof. Hope to be your students again in the future....

12th week : Site UNDER Construction !!!

Thanks to Prof for the whole 3 hours provided for us to design the website. We really need the time as we have many last projects to accomplish for other courses too. So, those 3 hours are beneficial for us to browse the net, searching for the best materials to be included in our site, the suitable and workable links, designing a layout, choosing images and designing an appealing homepage. Homepage is the first impression of the viewers and users. Thus, it must capture one's attention within a first glance. 

Next, Marhani creates the pages and the subpages according to the storyboard. We decided to divide the tasks. 

1. Hafizuddin (Kids Actvity)
2. Nizam (All about Global Warming)
3. Mar (About the Teacher and the search box or dictionary)
4. Nazrul (Videos and animation)
5. Rafidah (Share Your Thoughts and Explore more )

After all have completed designing, we will then finalise and justify everything. This includes the report which we have to write according to the learning problems of the students that we are trying to focus.This is a real major project. Thus, we need a lot of planning and discussion to fulfill the requirement of the task.

11th week : STORYBOARD mission !!!

It's the second phase of our progress in completing our last assignment, which sounds like this:


Develop an instructional material for teaching science. You can choose any mode (eg. On-line materials INCLUDING Web 2.0 tools, CD, etc ) You need to present the instructional material to class and submit a written report in the following format:
i.                    objective of the materials
ii.                  flowchart
iii.                sample of hard copy of the materials

We've decided to use GOOGLE SITES to design our new site, which we decide to title as 'SAVING MOTHER EARTH'. The second phase is tougher as we have to come out with a proper planning and sketch a storyboard. WOW !!! A new and fruitful experience of learning how to sketch a storyboard from Prof. Madya Dr. Rohaida. I learn a lot how to make a proper planning in order to have a better product and result by the end of the day. 

After a long discussion with my team members, we decided to come out with a simple storyboard below. Students must log in as they are only allowed to leave comments if they logged in first.

This is our storyboard. It's a simple storyboard as it is our first attempt of designing a real website to be used in teaching and learning of science. Lots of consideration have to be made and Prof advises us to refer to the rubrics and still there are many weaknesses after the process. Perhaps, we just need more practice in designing and website for children. Only then, we would be able to look at different angles. 

From the storyboard, there are 7 main items in the menu. But, we made some changes and it turns out to be 8 as we make one for video and another one for animation. In this way, the site looks more organised. 

Next week, we will begin designing our own site based on the storyboard designed.

10th week : First Move...ADDIE model

Prof introduces us to the ADDIE model and this model consists of five phases. Those phases are:

1) analysis phase
2) design phase
3) development phase
4) implementation
5) evaluation

Analysis phase

During this phase, the learning problem is identified, the goals and objectives of the lesson is predetermined, the delivery options and the timeline for the project are decided. 

Design Phase 

This is the phase where storyboard is designed for the entire website. 

Development Phase

The actual product and the designed tool.

Implementation Phase

This phase is the phase where the tool is tested. Thus, in this phase the effectiveness of the tool will be evaluated and the weaknesses and strengths are discovered. 

Evaluation Phase

This is the phase where feedback is gained for further improvements and modification.

Analysis Task Phase.(the 1st phase of the ADDIE model).

We start planning with the topic. The topic that we chose is GLOBAL WARMING. We are to come out with the literature or misconception of the topic. Specifically, why the topic is difficult to be taught? Are there any misconceptions form other websites about the concept? 

This is our concept map. This is the content part of our website...

We are focusing on the knowledge aspect of our topic. So, those are the topics will be covered in our site.
But, we are deleting some topics that might be too sophisticated for children such as methane and water vapour. This will lead towards more confusion.

Ninth week : This time around, TEAMWORK works !!!

It is the presentation for our third assignment... And the assignment goes...

Assignment 3(15%):


Present to the class on management of information through various tools such as word processors, graphic presentations and databases.

Due Date:        September 2010

But, Prof has made some changes to the assignment. Actually, we have to choose an online tool whether it is wikis or blog and design an educational website to be used for teaching and learning.

My Group and Wikis.

We choose wikis and as we are familiar in using GOOGLE SITES, we've decided to make use of it in our teaching. GOOGLE SITES is really good and flexible to be designed. We learned a lot in terms of integration of other elements and how to design it to meet with the needs of target audience which is primary school students. 
My group (from left): Marhani, Nizam, Me (Rafidah), Nazrul, Hafizuddin (Din)
This is our GOOGLE SITES :

Use of  Glogster to make a simple chart.

The first group Blog .

They focus on 'Endangered Species'. They have interesting vodcast created by themselves. This gives and idea for us to integrate this element if we are using the tools in our future profession. 

The first group (from left): Chris, Maha, Ija, Faiz and Woo.

Listening attentively
The third group (chatting).

The third group discussed about chatting and how chatting can be done as an after class session activity and a tool to gain feedback from students for teachers to improvise her instructions personally. But, then Prof commented with a really rationale mind saying that chatting might be informal and students might be using different names and this tool could be confusing bot parties. Yes, there are pros and cons for every tool used and as teachers we are to minimise the cons when choosing and using a website for an educational purpose. 

Third Group from left : Fatin, Dom, Syafiq, Nazwan (sitting) and Mirul.
Video chatting is one means of chatting tool.
The fourth Group (Facebook) 

This group is using Facebook and one thing that I like about their presentation is they have demonstrated how to design a quiz application using FACEBOOK, which I did not know. Perhaps, I can design my own quiz later in FB as a teaching and learning activity. 

Halimah is explaining about The Quiz : THE SOLAR SYSTEM
The other team members (from left) : Umar, Anuar and Adhwa.
Done with all the groups' presentation. We learn a lot in designing and using web 2.0 tool while completing the assignments. THANK YOU, Prof...

week 8 : A Need for a Systematic Evaluation !!!

Creating an educational website used as a teaching and learning purpose needs lots of consideration as there is a need to complement a group of target audience. Thus, a rubric works better in helping the one who uses the platform for an educational purpose. A rubric works more as a checklist and reminders for certain aspects that one might not be thinking of when designing a website. Designing a website for an educational purpose needs lots of considerations and modifications. 

Thus, some aspects that should be considered while designing an educational website are:

1) usability criteria : purpose, homepage, navigation, design, enjoyment, readability

2) content criteria : authority, accuracy, relevance, sufficiency, appropriateness

3) educational value criteria : learning activities, activity plan, resources, communication, feedback, rubric and help tools.

4) vividness criteria : links and updating

Why we need rubrics to evaluate an educational website? In my opinion, the reasons are :

a) with the existence of internet and web 2.0 applications such as blogs and wikis, teachers need to clarify whether the website designed is user-friendly or not. This will eventually leads the teacher to first check the navigation of the website. Navigation tools of a website for education must be clear and easy, so that learners are not confused or demotivated while attempting to learn.

b) a rubrics help teachers to make sure whether a website designed is usable and serviceable to avoid users' frustration or dissatisfaction. A poorly designed website will not retain visitors long enough to pursue content.

c) rubrics assist to evaluate the pedagogical and psychological value of an educational website. A good website for primary school children must consist of a good layout with background colour that will not hurt the users' eyes.

d) Rubrics determine whether the website is being developed, changed and updated continuously. For example, Science subject is a dynamic subject. There is always new invention and discoveries made. Thus, the site should always being updated, so that students will feel that there is always new things learned and discovered.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Week 7: Sharing is caring !!!

This week around, we were introduced towards some platforms that can be used for teaching and learning. They are:

1) wikis

2) blog

3) social networking

4) media sharing

These are some platforms that allows knowledge to be shared. There are differences between the application offered by all the platforms. BUT, similarly, all the platforms allow communication to take place by having a chat box, feedback space such as comments.

I was amazed by wikis in the first place. One of the wikis that i've been using is googlesites.

Wikis has more flexibility, application and we can control navigation and add anything that we like. We may also chat by adding chatbox and it is more organised compared to blogs that are only represented by entries that are posted. Wikis allows us to change page template and post things like a blog in 'announcement' (one of the template for creating a page)

This is my google site for my PKEY 3101.

About Me...

See...It can also be integrated with 'PICASA WEB SLIDESHOW', videos from Youtube, Images, Calendar, Adsense, etc.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Week 6: Not just a Lab !!!

What I meant by 'Not Just a Lab' is 'It is a high-tech lab known as a Micro-computer based laboratory (MBL)'.

this week is the testing time. Last week week, we learn more on the theory, so this week is more on the application of MBL.

My group tried using the Magnetic Field Sensor and it seemed to be a bit complicated at first as in past physics classroom, we used Gaussmeter to measure the strength of magnetic field. 

Magnetic Field sensor 

Magnetic Field sensor is used to investigate the relationship between magnetic field intensity and the distance from the magnet. This experiment was conducted using some materials such as magnetic field sensor, USB link, permanent magnet and ruler.

The procedure of the experiment can be explained in these following steps:

1) Magnetic field sensor is plugged into the USB link that is connected to a computer

2) Data studio is configured with a graph of magnetic field intensity

3) The tip of the magnetic field sensor is placed, so that it is touching he permanent magnet. Click START in DataStudio to begin collecting data.

4) At the same time, magnetic field sensor is moved very slowly and steadily away from the permanent magnet.

5) The intensity of the magnetic field sensor in the DataStudio graph is observed.

6) The recording is stopped when the intensity reaches zero. 

The Data collected is in the form of a graph. The intensity of the magnetic field is measured in Gauss. The unit is still the same whether we used a gaussmeter or a magnetic field sensor in MBL.

The advantages of the device:

       The tool can be used effectively to collect, analyze and display data in the form of graphs and charts, showing relationships that change as the values of the variables change.
       Data can be stored in computer’s memory.
       Students’ ability to interpret graphs is improved.

It saves time if the lesson is aimed to finish in a very limited time.
It is suitable for independent learners that are very proficient in science.
The disadvantages of  the device:

       As data collected is transferred into graphs, the students might not be able to see the relationship between the diagram of the magnetic field and the graphs collected.

       It is not suitable for the primary school learners as they need to master the science process skills first.
       Even though, students of level 2 can grasp abstract concept, but in learning  science,their scientific and manipulative skills are still developing at this time.

       The discourse used by the device is considered to be complex. Primary school students have little vocabulary knowledge of the second language. So, some instructions can be considered to be too high
So, in my opinion,
1) Primary school students should be taught the basic hands-on activity, so that they know on how real science (without technology) works. A strong basis about a science concept must be formed before they use technology to simplify things.

2) Secondary school students can be taught by integrating technology as they have the basic concept and this will be their ‘prior knowledge’ to construct new knowledge when technology is integrated.

Week 5: Strategies in Designing Application Tools

Prof Rohaida proposes 7 strategies in designing application tools for Science teaching and learning (during the lecture).

Those are:

1) MBL- Micro-Computer Based Laboratory

2) Drill and practice

3) Tutorials

4) Simulation

5) Problem-solving

6) Info-retrieval

7) Educational games

From the activity, I found that most of application for science for primary school pupils give emphasis in three strategies which are: Drill and practice, simulation and educational games.

Drill and practice

Science involves learning of concepts and its consequences. Thus, drilling helps to emphasise the concept, so that pupils won't misinterpret it. Even though this sounds rigid, but, drilling is good strategy to reinforce the concepts learnt. Practice, on the other hand, work on testing the pupils whether they understood the concept or not. Besides that, drill and practice assist to form a strong basis of science concepts to primary school pupils. A strong basis of concept will help them later in learning science in secondary levels which give more emphasis on tutorials and problem-solving, which requires a more independent attitudes in learning.

Educational games

This strategy strikes the nature of children who are playful. Games are applied in most of application tools for science as they are appealing and they attract pupils to engage themselves in learning. They consist the element of question and answer.Questions are good stimuli to activate learners' mind and thinking skills. This is like an 'indirect learning' approach. By looking at the surface, some would say that pupils are playing games, but actually playing games are good to develop sense of alertness and their understanding. Thus, that's why games are used often in designing application tools for primary school pupils. 

All in all, designing application tools need a varied consideration from the psychology of the target group to the education level of the target group. A proper consideration of strategies will give a tremendous impact on the students development and interest towards learning science.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

3rd class (4th week) : BeHaViOuRiSt vs CoNsTrUcTiViSt.

What is the behaviourist (directed instructional ) approach?

Direct Instruction assigns a central role to the teacher in explaining, modeling, and providing opportunities for practice with feedback. The goals are understanding, logic behind skills; automaticity, skills are over learned to the point that they are used with little mental effort; and transfer, something learned at one time is applied later in another setting.
 (for more explanation of this approach, you may visit this site :

This approach proposes a teacher-centered classroom. I requires teachers to be an efficient planner of the whole lesson. Lesson can be very structured as they have to follow teacher's instructions and steps in order to learn a subject. I think this is a very rigid condition of learning. However, this is also useful when it comes to theoretical based-learning and the lesson taught should achieve intended learning outcomes. Thus, procedures are needed to monitor the progress of the lesson, so that no steps is left behind. 

The same goes to websites for learning science. Some of them are designed to be in this approach, so that students who do not have prior knowledge about the subject matter may not be having problems to construct their knowledge. So, this will play a lot as a helping hand too for students who need more guidance when it comes to 'Science'. 

Some of the sites that adopt the use of this approach are:



Niava Air Rocket

A rocket model

What is the constructivist approach?

Learners construct their own understanding rather than having it delivered or transmitted to them. Learners use their own experiences to construct understandings that make sense to them. New learning depends on prior understanding and is interpreted in the context of current understanding, not first as isolated information that is later related to existing knowledge. 

So, now let's see the benefits of this approach when it is inculcated in science learning via technology. 

(a) There are opportunities provided for students to view and explore themselves about the information.
(b) They provide more activities that are creative and to make students think about the causes and consequences.
(c)  More discoveries rather than reading concepts and facts.
Some of the websites are:

Question may activate prior knowledge

 All in all, both approaches should be applied and neither should be rejected. So, see you on the next entry!!!