What I meant by 'Not Just a Lab' is 'It is a high-tech lab known as a Micro-computer based laboratory (MBL)'.
this week is the testing time. Last week week, we learn more on the theory, so this week is more on the application of MBL.
My group tried using the Magnetic Field Sensor and it seemed to be a bit complicated at first as in past physics classroom, we used Gaussmeter to measure the strength of magnetic field.
Magnetic Field sensor |
Magnetic Field sensor is used to investigate the relationship between magnetic field intensity and the distance from the magnet. This experiment was conducted using some materials such as magnetic field sensor, USB link, permanent magnet and ruler.
The procedure of the experiment can be explained in these following steps:
1) Magnetic field sensor is plugged into the USB link that is connected to a computer
2) Data studio is configured with a graph of magnetic field intensity
3) The tip of the magnetic field sensor is placed, so that it is touching he permanent magnet. Click START in DataStudio to begin collecting data.
4) At the same time, magnetic field sensor is moved very slowly and steadily away from the permanent magnet.
5) The intensity of the magnetic field sensor in the DataStudio graph is observed.
6) The recording is stopped when the intensity reaches zero.
The Data collected is in the form of a graph. The intensity of the magnetic field is measured in Gauss. The unit is still the same whether we used a gaussmeter or a magnetic field sensor in MBL.
The advantages of the device:
The tool can be used effectively to collect, analyze and display data in the form of graphs and charts, showing relationships that change as the values of the variables change.
Data can be stored in computer’s memory.
Students’ ability to interpret graphs is improved.
It saves time if the lesson is aimed to finish in a very limited time.
It is suitable for independent learners that are very proficient in science. The disadvantages of the device:
As data collected is transferred into graphs, the students might not be able to see the relationship between the diagram of the magnetic field and the graphs collected.
It is not suitable for the primary school learners as they need to master the science process skills first.
Even though, students of level 2 can grasp abstract concept, but in learning science,their scientific and manipulative skills are still developing at this time.
The discourse used by the device is considered to be complex. Primary school students have little vocabulary knowledge of the second language. So, some instructions can be considered to be too high
So, in my opinion,
1) Primary school students should be taught the basic hands-on activity, so that they know on how real science (without technology) works. A strong basis about a science concept must be formed before they use technology to simplify things.
2) Secondary school students can be taught by integrating technology as they have the basic concept and this will be their ‘prior knowledge’ to construct new knowledge when technology is integrated.