Sunday, August 1, 2010

The first date with Prof. Dr. Rohaida...

Tuesday, 20th of July 2010

It is the second week of the semester, but it’s the first time we met with our lecturer due to our ignorance, last week. For this time around, I would not be saying ignorance is bliss. We should be trying to reach her by any means even though we were still new in the faculty. So, we learn a lesson and I am sure we won’t repeat it anymore. For the time being, I just have this to say, 
“Sorry, Prof.”

Ok…Let’s reflect!!!
First and foremost, the ‘date’ began with the introduction of the course and the assignments. We were informed about the expected learning outcomes of the course, too.
Secondly, we were asked to create a blog to write our own reflection about our progress with this course. It’s a bit frightening as I am not that good in writing blogs. It’s a new thing for me. But, one thing that I know, to get use of something is to do it again and again without hesitation. For me, this would improve the way I express myself and help tracking the progress of my learning within these fourteen weeks.
The next thing on the list is the tools that we learnt on that day. There were four old technological tools used in teaching of science. They were 
OHP, visualiser, television and video player
We were divided into 4 groups and each group took one tool and discuss. Then, we would have to explain it to the whole class.  
My group members are:
These tools are some of the man-made things that have improved the quality of teachings immeasurably. Thus, each of these things has its own functions.
OHP a.k.a Overhead Projector.

I’ve been seeing this tool since 7 years old and it’s still being used effectively by teachers in many schools to aid teaching and learning process. OHP works together with transparency. In later days, we have teachers to write on it, but today we may produce the typed version of it by just photocopying from books onto the transparency. So, technology never stops improvising things until it gets easier. 


What’s that??? This is the first thing that popped into my head. I didn’t know about the existence of this tool as it was quite expensive and rarely found in common schools in Malaysia. So, my group has to search for the information and explain its features and usage in teaching science in a short presentation by the end of the day. As far as I’m concerned, this tool is actually a more sophisticated version of OHP. It is more efficient as it may project coloured objects on a screen without affecting their original colours. It could also be connected to computers to transfer information. Thus, I found this tool is interesting and fantastic. This could make science as an interesting subject to children as they view objects in colours, rather than in old black and white forms.

 Television + video player.  
It’s tv!!! So, I guess nobody would dare to admit if he does not know what is a tv… In education, tv works best with video player. Both complement each other. Without the tv, image or videos cannot be flashed and watched. And without a video player, videos cannot be played. So the interdependence which exists between both of them helps to make them function better.  

Look!!! There are some old magazines about tv...